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副教授 博士研究生导师

邮箱: hj@cueb.edu.cn






2014-2015年,University of Reading, Henley Business School, ICMA Centre,MSc in Behavioural Finance(with Distinction)


2022- 至今,首都经济贸易大学,副教授


1. 互联网新媒体信息对我国上市公司风险影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金(72001156)2021.1-2023.12,24万,主持结项。
2. 中国科协2021年度高端科技创新智库青年项目——新媒体环境对民营企业创新的影响研究,(2021ZZZLFZB1207058)2021.12-2022.12,5万,主持结项。
3. 北京工商大学人文社科科研平台委托重点课题——经济脱实向虚对系统性风险的影响研究,2023.06-2025.06,10万,主持。
4. “双碳”目标下的气候风险与公司财务研究团队,首都经济贸易大学科研项目-学术创新团队(XSCXTD202402),2025.01-2017.04,主持。
5. 教育部人文社会科学研究项目-青年基金项目,混合碳政策下考虑不同碳排放权配置的供应链动态减排与融资决策研究(23YJC630003)2023.10-2026.12,8万,参与。
6. 西部陆海新通道金融服务支撑体系建构对策研究,重庆市社会科学规划重大项 目,2023ZDLH03,2023-2024,参与
7. 首都经济贸易大学科研项目-重大科研项目培育专项,数字经济对实体经济高质量发展影响机制研究(ZD202303),30万,2023.03-2025.12参与
8. 基于中国“实体经济-金融系统”复杂关联的计算实验建模研究,国家自然科学基金重大专项项目,72141304,200万,2022.01-2026.12,参与。
9. 互联网背景下金融市场微观参与者行为规律及其风险效应研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目,71790594,2018.01-2022.12,455万,参与。
10. 中国科协2021年度高端科技创新智库青年项目——大数据舆情环境中的金融市场风险管理,(2021ZZZLFZB1207115)2021.12-2022.12,5万,参与。
11. 基于大数据的金融创新及其风险分析理论,国家自然科学基金重点项目(71532009), 2016.01-2020.12,292万元,参与。
12. 中国P2P借贷市场:定价规律、风险控制与监管机制,国家自然科学基金委-英国ESRC重点国际合作项目(7161101113) 2017.1-2019.12,196万,参与。
13. 多市场联动规律与金融系统体系性风险测度,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018.1-2020.12,参与。
14. 复杂信息环境中证券市场动力学若干问题研究:一个自底向上的视角;国家自然科学基金,重大国际(地区)合作研究项目(71320107003);2014.1-2018.12,参与。


1. 郝晶,《投资者关注与公司治理》,中国金融出版社,2022


1. Hao, J., Sun, R., An, J., & Jiao, A. Natural disaster and corporate green innovation: Evidence from earthquakes. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024,96(A),103610.
2. Hao, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, X., He, F., & Chen, X. Culture imprint and gambling preference: Evidence from individual investors' trading in the Chinese stock market. Emerging Markets Review,2024, 60, 101136.
3. He, F., Hao, J., & Lucey, B. Effects of climate risk on corporate green innovation cycles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2024,205, 123447.
4. Zhang, X., Yu, Y., Cao, Y., & Hao, J.*Margin trading and value relevance of earnings: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters , 2024,61, 104975.
5. He, F., Chen, L., Hao, J.*, & Wu, J. Financial market development and corporate risk management: Evidence from Shanghai crude oil futures launched in China. Energy Economics, 2024,129,107250.
6. He, F., Liu, G., Hao, J.*, & Li, Y. CSR performance and firm idiosyncratic risk in a data-rich environment: The role of retail investor attention. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2023,89, 101877.
7. He, F., Feng, Y., & Hao, J.* Corporate ESG rating and stock market liquidity: Evidence from China. Economic Modelling,2023,129, 106511.
8. Hao, J., He, F., Ma, F., Zhang, S., & Zhang, X. Machine learning vs deep learning in stock market investment: an international evidence. Annals of Operations Research,2023, online.
9. Hao, J., He, F., Ma, F.,& Fu, T. Trading around the Clock: Revisit Volatility Spillover between Crude Oil and Equity Markets in Different Trading Sessions. Journal of Futures Markets , 2023, 43(6),771-791.
10. 何枫,杜寒玉,郝晶*.中国股市存在互联网媒体关注溢价吗?.中国管理科学,2023,录用待刊。
11. Hao, J., Peng, M., & He, W. Digital finance development and bank liquidity creation. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023,90, 102839.
12. 郝晶,何枫,王博文.高管过度自信与上市公司技术创新—基于企业金融化视角. 系统工程理论与实践,2023,43 (03): 725-739。
13. Hao, J.* Retail investor attention and corporate innovation in the big data era. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, 86, 102486.
14. Wen, B., Yan, Y., Hao, J.*, & He, F. Investors’ online searching and green knowledge dissemination. Finance Research Letters (ABS 2, SSCI),2023,54, 103686.
15. Wen, B., Bi, S., Yuan, M., & Hao, J.*Financial constraint, cross-sectoral spillover and systemic risk in China. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2023, 84, 1-11.
16. He, F., Yan, Y., Hao, J.*, & Wu, J. G. Retail investor attention and corporate green innovation: Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 2022, 115, 106308.
17. Zhang, X., Li, X., Hao, J.*, & Li, P. Price limit change and magnet effect: The role of investor attention. Finance Research Letters, 2022,103577.
18. He, F., Feng, Y., Hao, J.* Information Disclosure Source, Investors’ Searching and Stock Price Crash Risk, Economics Letters, 2022, 210: 110202.
19. Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Hao, J.*, & Liu, J. Stock market entry timing and retail investors' disposition effect. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2022, 82: 102205.
20. Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Hao, J.*, & He, F. Price Limit and Stock Market Quality: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment in the Chinese Stock Market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal , 2022, 74, 101778.
21. Hao, J., He, F. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and green innovation: Evidence from China, Finance Research Letters, 2022, 48: 102889.
22. Hao, J., Xiong, X. Retail investor attention and firms’ idiosyncratic risk: Evidence from China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, 74: 101675.
23. Du, H., Hao, J.*, He, F., Xi, W. Media Sentiment and Cross-sectional Stock Returns in the Chinese Stock Market, Research in International Business and Finance, 2021, 60, 101590.
24. Hao, J., He, F., Liu-Chen, B., Li, Z. Price Discovery and Its Determinants for the Chinese Soybean Options and Futures Markets, Finance Research Letters, 2021, 40, 101489.
25. 何枫, 郝晶*,谭德凯,王紫微.中国金融市场联动特征与系统性风险识别[J]. 系统工程理论与实践,2022(02): 289-305.
26. Hao, J., Xiong, X., He, F., Ma, F. Price Discovery in the Chinese Stock Index Futures Market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 55 (13): 2982-2996.
27. Hao, J., He, F., Univariate dependence among sectors in Chinese stock market and systemic risk implication. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications , 510(2018),355-364.


1.2017 金融数学论坛优秀论文


1. Managerial & Decision Economics , 期刊编委
2. 中国系统工程学会社会经济系统工程委员会第十四届理事
3. Energy Economics,客座编辑
4. International Review of Economics and Finance,客座编辑