邮箱: xiaxiaoxue@cueb.edu.cn
2021/09-2023/09 北京外国语大学 国际商学院 博士后
2023/10-至今 首都经济贸易大学 会计学院 讲师
1. One way out of the share pledging quagmire: Evidence from mergers and acquisitions(Second Author)Journal of Corporate Finance,2021,77,December, 102120.
2. 绿色信贷能激励企业环境责任的承担吗(通讯作者)《管理科学学报》, 2023年第3期
3. Regulator as a minority shareholder and corporate fraud: Quasi-natural experiment evidence from the pilot project of China Securities Investor Services Center(Corresponding author)British Accounting Review, 2023,forthcoming
4. 控股股东股权质押与公司融资约束(第二作者)《会计研究》,2019年第6期
5. 审计定价中的客户性别效应(通讯作者)《审计研究》,2021年第5期
6. 国际贸易与海外并购(第三作者)《会计研究》,2022年第12期
7. Firm-level perception of competition and innovation: Textual evidence from China(First author)Finance Research Letters,2023,53,May, 103593.
8. Does controlling shareholders’ share pledging raise suppliers’ eyebrows?(Corresponding author)Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2021, 66, April, 1-15.
9. 融资约束文献综述:基于中国制度背景的分析(通讯作者)《中央财经大学学报》,2023年第1期
10. Economic Policy Uncertainty and Default Risk:Evidence from China(Corresponding author)Economic Analysis and Policy,2023,79,September.
担任British Accounting Review, Finance Research Letters和International Review of Financial Analysis等期刊的匿名审稿人